
Analysis Of ' Ego Cogito, Ergo Sum Or ' Think First And Then Act '

Decent Essays

Ego cogito, ergo sum or: Think first and then act
• Misconceptions
• What are the tasks of a CISO?
There is a widely held misconception among CISOs, in that “if we are compliant, we are therefore secured”. Acting by way of a fixed set of responses based on regulatory or legislative drivers often provides a false sense of security.
A paradigm shift is necessary within the CISO community, realizing that compliance is not necessarily synonymous with security, and further, that the future motto of any CISO should be ‘Acting Instead of Reacting’. You have to move past just being compliant to managing the unique threats facing your organization. This is evident every day by the data breaches we see making headline news.
Complexity Reduces Security
Organizations in the public and private sectors depend on technology-intensive information systems to successfully carry out their missions and business functions. Information systems can include diverse entities ranging from high-end supercomputers, workstations, personal computers, cellular telephones, and personal digital assistants to very specialized systems (e.g., weapons systems, telecommunications systems, industrial/process control systems, and environmental control systems). Information systems are subject to serious threats that can have adverse effects on organizational operations, organizational assets, individuals, other organizations, and the Nation by exploiting both known and unknown vulnerabilities to compromise the

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