
Analysis Of Project Management Process Group

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One thing to keep in mind is that as each of these processes are being done; it could bring new insights into the project which may require some of the previous created project documents to be updated. The processes in the Planning Process Group may be repeated or re-addressed several times as the project progresses. It is also important to note that the outputs of certain processes serve as inputs to other processes within the Planning Process Group. Among all the Process Groups within the project management process, the Planning Process Group contains the most processes. This portrays the significance of this Process Group in respect to the project as a whole. All of these processes work in conjunction to make up the whole Project Management Plan.
The risks associated with not properly addressing the key elements will ultimately result in the project failing. The PMBOK lists 9 key elements of a project plan. In this section, we will look at the associated risks if the project manager fails to address any of these.
Key Element 1 – Scope. The most common risk associated here is scope creep, or the continued addition of new aspects to the scope. Scope creep can come from both external stakeholders and internally from well-intentioned project team members. While the team members may have good intentions with looking to improve a certain deliverable, this is dangerous because it can cause a project to slip months behind. These internally generated changes may bring

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