
Analysis Of Sinners In The Hands Of An Angry God

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Well respected puritan minister, Jonathan Edwards, in his sermon “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”(1741) tries to elucidate all the consequences that occur in the afterlife if you’re a sinner. Edwards purpose of this sermon is to address the Puritan society and congregation the repercussions that can come from being sinful. He formulates a desperate tone in order to reach his audiences internal conflicts with the Puritans and their sin. Edwards supports his claim by using logos, ethos, and pathos to appeal to the readers and for the audience in the story to betray sin.

A way that Edwards is able to get the reader's attention is by his use of repetition. On the first page, Edwards is found repeating the sentence, “Their foot shall slide in due time”, the meaning of this is to relate to the punishment and destruction to which the Israelites were exposed. Edwards uses this to strike the fear of God into the sinners, in which he does a good job of this. This is a great way to try to convince the people that have sinned to switch to christianity and to ask for forgiveness for what they’ve done in the past because they Puritans didn’t understand what they were doing was wrong. Without knowledge of this quote, some readers may not understand why Edwards used this the way he did and as many times as he did. Each time the quote is used it has a different meaning such as in paragraph 4 the term is used to address that the people that have sinned shall be left to fall, as they

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