
The Other Side Of The Sky By Farah Ahmedi

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Nobody fully understands what drives people to undertake a mission, but it often causes people to take many risks. For example, Farah Ahmedi climbed a mountain on a prosthetic leg with a sick mother just to reach freedom. Rikki-Tikki fought for his life to save his family. John Steinbeck eavesdropped on people's conversations just to get material for his book. These stories show different people who had each set a goal for themselves. Ahmedi and Rikki-Tikki fought for their lives to survive and save their loved ones. While Steinbeck traveled to great lengths to write his book. Their goals may be different but they all had set a goal and they all eventually accomplished their goal. Farah Ahmedi The Other Side of The Sky by Farah Ahmedi is an autobiography about how Farah Ahmedi had set a personal goal to get to America. Ahmedi describes her personal experience of the borders from afghanistan to pakistan being closed and the guards not letting anyone through leading her to climb a mountain on a prosthetic leg with her mother very sick and with asthma just to get to america. The book states in paragraph one “The gate to Pakistan was closed, and I could see that the Pakistani border guards were letting no one through.” From this you can see that no one was getting through the border. Until she met a man named Ghulam Ali in paragraph 7 it states “The woman told us that her husband, Ghulam Ali, had gone to look for another way across the border. He was checking out a goat

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