
Analysis: Why Female Athletes Should Be Paid

Decent Essays

There as been equality in professional sports for a long time. The men are getting paid way more than the women athletes. Some would say that the men should be paid more because watching men is exciting, and women’s sports aren’t fun to watch. Also, because in some sports the men generate more attendance or revenue. Women have started to generate a bigger audience and more revenue in some sports. Women are doing the same thing as men. They work just as hard and maybe harder because they are trying to prove a point to everyone. Women should be paid the same as the men in professional sports. The Women’s U.S. Soccer Team made less than the Men’s U.S. Soccer Team but no one knows why because the women’s team is doing better than the men’s. In 2016, the Women’s U.S. Team filed a complaint to the U.S. Soccer for wage discrimination. They alleged that …show more content…

Also, in U.S. professional soccer league women make less than the men. In the NWSL has a salary cap of $265,000 while the salary cap for the men is $3 million. Alex Morgan is the highest paid American soccer player. She makes about $450,000. Morgan also takes home around $1 million in endorsements (Close). Even though Morgan makes a lot of money, she still makes way less than Landon Donovan, who earned $2 million just from being on the team, let alone the famous soccer players like Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi. They make tens of millions of dollars each year (Close). The Women’s U.S. Soccer Team should be paid equal to the men’s team because they won the world cup in 2015. They made $2 million from the organization for winning the World Cup. Although, that is a lot of money the German

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