
Ancient Egypt Research Paper

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•After being away from Egypt for 40 years, Moses came back, because god freed us, Israelites, using Moses. Now that we are free, we are praising God. Oh No! Someone just looked behind us and saw Pharaoh’s army pursuing us, trying to take us captive again! What is Moses doing? He prayed and God spoke to him and told him what to do. Moses just lifted his staff over the Red Sea and the water is parting - now there is a path with no mud puddles. The path is completely dry. Quickly, all of us Israelites crossed the sea. After we crossed the sea, the Egyptians followed us. When all of the Egyptians were on the path in the sea, Moses, who was directed by, God, lifted his staff over the sea again and the water came crashing down on top of …show more content…

Moses pleaded with God. God showed Moses a tree, which was near where we were camped. The Lord directed Moses of what to do with the tree. Moses then put the tree into the water. Many people were unsure what good this was going to do. After the tree was put into the water, the water was made sweet. God has provided for us! Praise God! He cares for us!

•Once again,we forgot how God had blessed and provided for us in the past. We then started complaining again against Moses and the Lord. Moses again intercedes for us to the Lord. God answered Moses’ prayer with the raining bread from heaven for us. This is another reminder that God loves us! However, we often forget this vital truth!

•Our leader, Moses, went up a mountain to talk to God. We were patiently waiting, but now he’s been up there for such a long time. Some of us started complaining. Is he ever going to come down? We asked Aaron to build us gods so we could worship it. He told us to take off our gold jewelry. We all handed it to him. Aaron put the gold into the fire and created a calf for us! We were able to worship something we could see. Reverently, we kept worshipping it until Moses came down. When he came down from just talking to God, Moses was mad! Aaron lied and said that he just put the gold in and a golden calf popped out! We, including Aaron, had sinned against

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