
Ancient Egypt Research Paper

Decent Essays

Did you know that the Ancient Egyptian civilization started in 3000 B.C.E. which is 5016 years ago! The Ancient Egyptian civilization was one of the most thriving civilizations of its time. One reason it was so successful was because of the Nile River. The Nile River is 4,258 miles long and stretches through the middle of Ancient Egypt. There are many ways that the Nile River benefited Ancient Egypt, three of those ways are through floodland and fertile soil, trade, and transportation.

Now, you may wonder why flooding is a benefit of the Nile River. Well, when it floods it leaves behind silt in the ground. Silt is little particles of rock and sand that help to make the soil fertile. So, while flooding isn’t necessarily a good thing all the time if the river flooded only once and a while then it was an enormous benefit. Since the Nile River banks had such fertile soil, it made it a good place to plant crops. The Egyptians took use of this opportunity and used the easy accessible water, fertile soil, and wetlands to plant things like wheat, barley, vegetables, figs, melons, pomegranates, and vines. They also grew flax which they could turn into linen. Their most important crop, however, was grain which they used in their bread, porridge, and beer. …show more content…

The Nile River made it easy to travel to other countries and other countries to visit them. Not only were they able to trade goods, but it also made it easy for them to make negotiations with other countries about other things such as war and peace treaties. With the Nile making it an easy trade route they were also able to have a very strong economy and many businessmen were able to have jobs because of trading. Trading not only made a strong economy, but trading also gave many people

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