
Animal Farm Quote Analysis

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Many countries try to seek a perfect society, they often turn to a socialist or communist government, but in reality these types of governments are unideal to many people living in that society. Russia has a communist government, which is a society where all are supposed to be equal, sharing all money throughout the country. Citizens in this society often have very little rights and the government has overpowering control over what people can and cannot do. A socialist government is one that distributes goods to all people, most instances the upper class receives heavier taxes in order to pay for the goods and services being distributed. Often times these governments are not what they seem, greed will take over, causing them to seek for higher power, defeating the purpose of a perfect …show more content…

The truest happiness, he said, stay working hard and living frugally” (Orwell 129). In the novel, pigs are of higher power then all the other animals, Napoleon is a pig in the novel, he has control over all the animals on the farm. This quote explains how the majority of the people (or animals) do all the work, and in return, get very little compared to the people of higher classes. This is similar to a socialist society, the people who work hard end up having less. The overall goal for the animals was that, “all animals are [should be] equal”, but towards the end of the book the pigs started to say, “all animals are equal. But some are more equal than others” (Orwell 134). This defeats the whole the purpose of a communist and socialist society, all citizens living in that society are meant to be equal, but when a certain group of people get more praise than the other, everyone is no longer equal. Eventually, greed takes over and the want to get ahead gets in the way with the want of everyone being

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