
Animal Welfare Issues

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Animal welfare issues exist everywhere in the world, some places more so than others. In saying that, over the years thanks to organizations like PETA, SSCS, SAFE and IDA and so many more amazing groups have led society to become more aware of the problems that exist when it comes to issues relating to the proper care of animals. One very important example of animal cruelty is animals that are brutally skinned for their fur, whether it's dogs in China or seals being culled for their fur, it's inhumane. This is mostly because of the lack of compassion the fashion industry has when it comes to fur. No matter how you look at it, there is no way to make a fur coat in a humane way. Whether fur comes from animal farms or from wild animals, it is simply a barbaric action. Animals killed for their fur in animal farms are normally electrocuted by having an electrical cable attached to their mouths and another cable inserted into their rectum. Wild animals that are caught for their fur are usually trapped in a steel leghold trap, a device that has been proven to be completely inhumane and has, in fact, been banned in 65 countries, but is still allowed in the United States. …show more content…

Quite often these animals that are trapped in the wild in these terrible traps, don't die right away and endure prolonged agony by dehyrdation, starvation or become mauled by other animals. If by chance, the trapped animals are still alive when trappers find them, they are killed in a number of ways, like; drowning, a hit in the head, or a blow to the chest to crush their heart. When it comes to the law in regards to trapping for fur, there are really no laws to regulate how an animal can be killed so a humane death for these innocent animals is

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