
Animal Welfare Research

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Animal welfare has been a very controversial issue within our society, whether it would the habitat destruction of California gnatcatchers in southern California to the elephants of sub-Saharan Africa being hunted for their tusks. Moreover, there has been one topic that has been discussed and hotly debated, which is the animal welfare within farms and the conditions that they live in, specifically pigs, calves, and pigs. Environmental ethics is a discipline within philosophy that studies the moral relationship of human beings and also the value and moral standing of the environment and its non-human factors. Furthermore, it takes a biocentric approach because it takes into consideration the fact that all animals are sentient creatures …show more content…

According to the article, “The Effect of Proposition 2 on the Demand for Eggs in California” Lusk (2010) conducted an experiment with egg-laying hens within California farms during the years of 2010 to 2014 to examine if the impacts of proposition 2 (if it were in effect) would improve the lives of egg-laying hens and the production of eggs. Correspondingly, the results showed that it did improve the lifespan of hens, it even improved their eggshells, and the choline within the …show more content…

Whether it would be in the following aspects such as biological, political, or even in a philosophical sense. However, there is a prominent novel in which it combines all three elements and expands on the notion of the principle of utility (which is a moral principle of doing the greatest amount of good for the longest duration of time). The book is called Animal Liberation, written by Peter Singer in 1975 and is widely read by many philosophers and biologists to this day. He expands on the notion of the utilitarian approach that “the greatest amount of good” can only be measured by the good or ethical actions. Furthermore, he explains that there is no reason not to apply this ideology to other

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