
Argumentative Essay On Birth Control

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Birth Control Restriction/Termination
Ever thought birth control pills are highly recommended and no one really tells women about the effects. The dangerous effects of birth control can be critical. Women have not been informed, well enough of contraceptives, especially when looking back on birth control with women's health and choices. Birth control came about from women who were obligated to have families and not letting it be a choice. Many women have heard about contraceptives that are advertised on tv, magazines, and even from a family doctor. Women knew very little of what birth control could do or even prevent. Women thought that just by taking birth control it could prevent pregnancy. They were not well informed that all body …show more content…

Another common contraceptive is IUDs, which are even more at risk with STDs and pelvic inflammatory disease. Not just that, but it also weakens your immune system that helps fight viruses. As well as causing a delay in a woman's menstrual cycle, unusual spotting, heavy discharge, or infections. One of the most harmful side effects comes with hormonal contraceptives. Women have to be alert and attentive with the contraceptive. If women are not cautious with some of the hormonal birth control such as an oral contraceptive, it could lead to a serious blockage of to the heart that could cause a heart attack (Draper 321). Women have to be as careful about this contraceptive that she has to go to a health care provider frequently to make sure everything is going well. When the woman’s does not take care of themselves, it also leads to problems with the women hormones called Progestin and Estrogen. London Draper is shown on a table that it can lead to depression, jaundice, fatigue, hypertension, headaches, Hirsutism, weight gain, acne/oily skin and so many more side effects (321). While trying to get a contraceptive women also have to consider some factors. Such as smoking, drinking, STI’s, age, health risks, ethics, financial status, having kids in the future and so many other issues that women have to think about and consider. Therefore, not all contraceptives are made for different ages.

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