
Argumentative Essay On College Education

Decent Essays

The path to success has been remodeled over the years by different generations due to the developing mind. College does educate and challenges people to do more and think more. We can clearly see this example because the developers of this debate are both college graduates. Later on in life more and more questions will be asked and answered. College has an importance that is so popular but that importance has a value. The developing world and society will always view college as something necessary no matter what because is has proved to be a path and a escape to a better life. People that have specific circumstances and cannot pursue college have often been denied of a huge opportunity that can be life changing to almost everyone. No one can judge intelligence based on economical stability or tests, but what the educational system seems to be judging intelligence on is the bank account of the projected student. There is a saying that says "If you think education is expensive, try ignorance." But as technology is constantly advancing and computers are running almost anything, is a college education really necessary? There are people whom have never set foot in a college and are doing better than people who have their master's degree. There are views from both sides that contain a valid argument. A college education helps people and prepares them for the entry into the real world. Students learn what exactly personal freedom is and then they learn how to enjoy freedom in the

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