
Argumentative Essay On Standardized Testing

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Standardized Testing Every year high school sophomores around the nation wake up early one day in October to take the standardized test most commonly known as the PSAT. There are many other standardized tests students take; the most known being the PSAT, SAT and ACT. Nearly four million students took the SAT and/or ACT in 2014 ("Number of SAT and ACT Test-Takers, 2014"). The reason so many students take these standardized tests is because of the No Child Left Behind Act implemented in 2002 by President George W. Bush. Under the No Child Left Behind Act, it is required that, “states develop and implement challenging academic standards in reading and math, set annual statewide progress objectives to ensure that all groups of students reach proficiency… and then test children annually… to measure their progress.” (“The New Rules”). Although there has been speculations about standardized testing being detrimental to the student and anyone who uses the test scores, it is clear that these tests are beneficial rather than harmful. The first reason why standardized testing is beneficial is because it is helpful to students. David Deming, a professor at Harvard, did a study of the effects of standardized tests on students. Their analysis revealed that the pressure the No Child Left Behind Act set on schools to reach proficiency led low-scoring students to score significantly higher on a high-stakes math exam. In addition, according to Deming, “these students were also more

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