
Army Profession Essay

Decent Essays

Since the beginning of the Army in 1775 till now, there have been many changes. We have gone from an all conscription Army to a completely volunteer force. We have gone through wars and times of peace. Gone from being praised, to being spit on, and back again. Through all the changes there has been one constant and that is the pride taken by all Soldiers in being called a Quiet Professional. It does not matter if the Soldier is at their home station or on the front lines, we all want to do our job, or profession, as professional as possible. According to Merriam-Webster a profession is “a type of job that requires special education, training, or skill; people who work in a particular profession” (, 2015). To me this means that a profession is not just an everyday job but a specialized calling. Every Soldier strives to become the expert at their craft, or MOS, by doing so they earn the trust of the people they work with and for. Since Human Resources requires special training and skills, the Human Resource (HR) NCO are certified experts in our profession. As HR NCO’s our expertise has a wide range from simple data input, pay, mail, and beyond. While HR NCO’s are not the ones that get all the press or glory, the HR NCO continues to work making sure our jobs are done …show more content…

This is our job as NCO’s to keep the culture and climate of our profession at its peak. We cannot be the ones that “talk the talk” but not “walk the walk” bring that culture down. It is one of our areas of expertise to take care and nurture young soldiers. They are the future of the profession, the future experts that will keep the profession strong and thriving. We as NCO’s must do our best to shield our young soldiers from “toxic” leadership, to show what good leadership is, and mold young soldiers into the professionals of

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