
Army Values

Decent Essays

In 2016, Gallup conducted a poll that placed the United States Military as the most trusted institution in the United States. The citizens of the United States have placed a great trust in the military, a trust that comes from the proven behavior and actions of the members of the military services. The behavior and actions of service members come from the core values that are instilled in each and every member of the military. The Army Values are the core values instilled in every soldier that ensures the public’s trust in the Army. They are the basis of the Army Ethic and moral building blocks of the Army professional. The Army Values are known by the acronym LDRSHIP (loyalty, duty, respect, selfless-service, honor, integrity, and personal …show more content…

When taking the first letter of each value, it spells out LDRSHIP. Loyalty is having firm allegiance to the United States, the Army, as well as to your fellow soldiers. Duty is carrying out your responsibilities. Respect is following the golden rule, do unto others as you would do unto yourself. Selfless Service is putting the country, the Army, and your soldiers above yourself. Honor is living up to all of the other values. Integrity is doing what’s right, no matter the consequences. Personal Courage is facing danger, your fears, and any difficulties or hardships you may face. Soldiers exhibit this loyalty everyday in their work, to their officers and non-commissioned officers as well as their fellow peers. They are dutiful, completing the tasks and responsibilities they have been given in a timely manner. The deference Soldiers show towards their leadership as well as how they treat their fellow Soldiers displays their respect. Selfless Service is a given, as every person who has put on the uniform has sworn …show more content…

The Army Values are what the soldiers stand for and who they are. Soldiers will first learn about the Army Values when they are recruits at basic training. Recruits are molded into soldiers in basic training thanks to the efforts of their drill sergeants; drill sergeants who emanate the Army Values and in turn, instill the Army Values into the future soldiers. Soldiers live the Army Values every day in their lives. A soldier is a professional, defined as “a trusted, disciplined, and relatively autonomous vocation” (ADRP 1 1-12). They exhibit the Army Values everyday by their actions and behavior, whether it be towards their leadership and their peers or completing the various tasks given to them to accomplish. The Army Values help shape and mold the soldier into who they are and establishes the culture of the Army. The Army Values are especially important for those in leadership positions. An Army leader is defined as “anyone who by virtue of assumed role or assigned responsibility inspires and influences people to accomplish organizational goals. Army leaders motivate people both inside and outside the chain of command to pursue actions, focus thinking and shape decisions for the greater good of the organization.” (ADP 6-22). They are the role models of their subordinates. Army leaders are the ones that will further shape and mold their soldiers into the . One of

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