
Asbestos Inspection Research Paper

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Why You Should Get An Asbestos Inspection When You Buy An Old House

If you're planning to buy an older home to fix up, one thing you want to be aware of is the presence of asbestos. Asbestos was once a very common material used in floor tiles, pipes, and other home building supplies. Ideally, you should have an asbestos inspection done before you buy the home so you know what you're getting into. Otherwise, you'll want to have an inspection done before you begin renovations, and here's why.

Why An Inspection Is Needed

Although older homes contain asbestos, the material is not a danger as long as it is intact. If you buy an old home that is in good shape, you may not need to have an inspection done. However, if the home is deteriorated, or if you plan to remodel it, an asbestos inspection is a good idea. That's because asbestos is a concern when the material that holds it is damaged. Scratching, crumbling, and demolishing floor tiles or walls that contain asbestos causes the tiny fibers to float into the air where they can be inhaled. Inhaling asbestos fibers can cause medical problems, such as mesothelioma. It's …show more content…

He or she may suspect that certain floor tiles or ceiling panels contain asbestos, but the only way to know for sure if it is present is to take samples and send them to a lab to be analyzed. While you can take the samples yourself, it is not recommended, because doing so can release fibers into the air.

Protective measures are used by the inspector even when removing small samples. That protects them and the people in your home as well. Besides a materials sample tests, the inspector may also perform an air sample test. This test reveals the presence of fibers, but it doesn't indicate where they come from. The inspector has to look for signs of damaged building materials and send off physical samples to determine what is releasing fibers into the

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