
Assignment of Business Law Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Business law | CASE STUDY ONSESAMWARE | | | | |

SUBMITTED BY:Randeep SinghVarinder GillLovedeep Singh |

Sesamware is a Japanese software company which is very popular for open source software. Sesamware got international approval with an online multiplayer fantasy dimension game, Para World in mid-1990. Para world was very popular in the world between 2001 and 2004. Firstly, it was installed as part of the bundle downloaded by hundreds of millions of gamers around the globe. The open source code helped to easily adapt every facet of computer life for all platforms and operating, networking, navigation and security systems. Question (1)
A patent is a form of intellectual property. It consists of a …show more content…

There is just a one person who sells products or services and there are no incentives which help to break this monopoly. There are many monopoly industries in the market. In monopoly, they use patents because they don’t like if someone’s copy their inventions.
Adversely effects on international market and trade
The first price for game software was $US5.99 and it was unchanged. Low fee made it impossible for the majority of software companies to compete and most of the competitors were either bought by SesamWare or went out of business within three years. SesamWare was once again at the center of an international lawsuit, this time for subverting free market competition.

Question (3) There is Competition Law which governing the Sesame’s behavior is the law that promotes and maintains market competition by regulating anti-competitive conduct by companies. To enforce this law globally, it should be regulate by W.T.O and ICC.
Competitions laws can be enforced globally through these organizations are:
World Trade Organization (WTO):- WTO is an international agency which is helping the nation members to provide barriers free trade and settle the disputes those are arise between nations while trading. It ensures the smooth and fair business activities between different countries. It was generated from GATT.
• International Chamber of commerce (ICC):- Commission on Competition
The ICC commission on competition ensures

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