
Attention Getter For Music Essay

Decent Essays

A. Attention Getter: What is music? Many people say that it’s a harmonious beautiful sound that is pleasing to the ear. According to Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, a nineteenth century poet and educator, “Music is the universal language of mankind.” Not only is music a type of communication but it’s also type art which many people fail to remember.
B. Revealed Object and Speaker Credibility: Headphones are a pair of listening devices with speakers that are most commonly used to listen to music. The reason why this invention exists is because it helps you block out any distractions/noise from you and it prevents others from hearing what you hear.
C. Thesis: By entering the world of music, you can be able to express yourself universally and as well …show more content…

Sub-point 2: Have any of you ever stuck earphones in your ears or put on your headphones to block off an annoying friend that talks too much or a nagging family member? Headphones can represent solitude because they are basically isolating yourself from the outside noise. Once you hit “Play”, your ears and mind tend to focus on the song that’s playing. As time passes you begin to slowly get absorbed into the song and you grasp the feel of it. You then start to carefully listen to the rhythm, melody, or beat of the song and try to determine what kind of instruments were used to compose this song. By that point, your entire world is just you and the music. You’ve mentally taken yourself to a different place, a place where you find …show more content…

Sub-point 2: After years of listening to music, I began to see how much of a significance music really is. I realized that people can express themselves through music and how music can emotionally impact us. But most of all, I found that music was something that I could escape to whenever I’m going through a hard time. Whether if it’s after a fight I had with a friend or when I’m stressing over school, listening to music never failed to give me immediate comfort. Just putting on my headphones and putting aside all the distractions from the world brings me peace.
C. Conclusion
1. Restate Thesis: Now you have a better understanding of how with music you can be able to express yourself universally and as well as feel different emotions while listening to music.
2. Review Main Points: First, I discussed what role headphones play in the music culture, and then I informed you about my experience in music culture and how I use headphones.
3. Memorable Closer: Music is often overlooked as a type of entertainment but if we listen closely and allow ourselves to fully dive into the world of music, we can learn how to appreciate the beauty of this universal

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