
Australian Food Industry

Decent Essays

Discuss the impact of the development on any or all of the other sectors of the AFI
In recent years, technology has dramatically increased within the Australian food industry, due to the various changes occurring within society. Technology has shaped our consumerist society and has both positive and negative effects towards the sectors of the Australian food industry. For example, the introduction of ‘vertical packaging machine’ within the food industry has had a “double-edged sword” effect on the various sectors.
Agriculture and fisheries:
The introduction of this specific technological advancement has affected this sector in various ways. For example, the increase in packaging within the food industry can also potentially upsurge the amount …show more content…

For example, packaging materials such as glass, paper and board, plastics and metals help protect the food item from UV rays/ light during the transportation process. By allowing this, helps prevent the growth of micro- organisms within the product. As well as this, packaging helps prevent rancidity in fats. If rancidity is not prevented, unpleasant odours and flavours within the food item are present, resulting in the wastage of the good. Along within this, packaging helps prevent the cross contamination of goods, when being transported from one area to another. Therefore, the Agriculture and Fisheries sector benefit from packaging, as they are able to prevent the wastage of products being transported, as well as being able to uphold a high reputation of the business by marketing high-quality goods.
Along with this, many farmers and fishermen are now required to properly package, each and every item being sold to the Food Processing/Manufacturing industry. This is due to the recent upsurge in technological advancements such as the vertical packaging machine. Due to this expectation, many businesses within the Agriculture and fisheries industry are faced to pay a heavy price for packaging, in order to satisfy their buyers. Businesses which fail to meet this expectation often face bankruptcy due to buyers not wanting

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