
Authoritarian Parents And Parenting Styles

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Parents use to blabber to their children about following the house rules without explaining to them why they should follow. They set standards in their child for them to be disciplined in a way parents would look up to. Spencer Rathus (2014), authoritarian parents have strict guidelines about what is right and what is wrong and they demand that rules are rules and should be obeyed without explaining why its implemented. Authoritarian parents always want to be obeyed by their children. If their children did not obey them, they will receive yelling or punishments. Children coming from authoritarian parenting are more likely to have low self-esteem and low-self worth. There are some instances that these parents that use authoritarian parenting style would put their child on shame if what they want is not fulfilled. Authoritarian parents are strict and don't usually give their child a freedom to choose. Kids are forced by their parents. There are students nowadays that are failing when it comes to their studies. They are not happy to what they are doing because it's not them who chose for their courses or field that they want to study. Under this parenting style, parents are not very affectionate to their children. They think that being strict will keep their child disciplines but perhaps might only lead to rebellion. Thus, authoritarian parents are affecting not just the behavior of the student but their grades also. It is a purely strict form of

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