
Automobile Dbq Research Paper

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The automobile had an astounding affect on both the economy and culture of America. It allowed for the average American to have more freedoms and opportunity, blurring the lines between rural and city life. However, the automobile was not without its drawbacks. Many people were killed as a result of reckless or inexperienced drivers. The automobile also did an exceptional job of draining the savings accounts of Americans. One thing can be certain: For better or for worse, the automobile changed the face of America forever.

The Automobile had profound economic impact. Americans could now commute to work from outside the cities, allowing for a greater number of Americans to work (Document 1). Those who commuted to work would also have better living …show more content…

Emergency services provided by firemen, policemen, and physicians flourished with the help of the automobile (Document 6).

The automobile revolutionized the culture of America. Suddenly, people were free to travel where they wished, with no restrictions (Document
2). Women became more independent, leaving the house and attending social calls and the theater (Document 7). The automobile "is making leisure-time enjoyment a regularly expected part of every day and week rather than an occasional event." (Document 11) Along with other early
21st century innovations, the automobile greatly changed the way
Americans lived their lives. However, not all cultural changes regarding the automobile were positive. The automobile lured many families into an investment they could not afford to upkeep. Between gasoline, repairs and upgrades, the costs quickly add up (Document 3).

There were no shortage of safety issues with the automobile. Unlike the wealth of airbags and other safety features included in modern cars, the automobiles of the early 1900s had almost none. This

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