
Autonomous Truck Drivers

Decent Essays

Correspondingly, the danger of job loss due to self-driving vehicles should be taken into consideration. Most vehicle companies want their self-driving vehicles ready by 2020. Just one example explains, “ Daimler executives have said the system powering the autonomous truck, dubbed Highway Pilot, may be ready for real-world application by 2020” (Muoio, “These 19”). With the extreme rise of production with autonomous vehicles, the opposite shift occurs for jobs and careers in this field. Furthermore, people do not realize how many jobs and workers make up this field. Notably, one article states, “According to the CGPS report, of the nation’s 4.1 million driving jobs, 77 percent are delivery and heavy truck drivers, 14 percent bus drivers, and …show more content…

Overall, driving a vehicle for a living seems to make a huge majority in the workforce, and some people do not realize the impact that job loss could have on the economy. Unfortunately, taxi drivers, truck drivers, delivery drivers, and many more may quickly lose their jobs in the upcoming years. One report states, “As many as four million truck, bus, delivery and taxi driving jobs could be lost if fully autonomous vehicle technology is adopted in a short period of time, according to a new report” (Simpson). If this report turns out to become true, many people will be without a job and this will also leave less jobs for others in the future. Not to forget that these job losses could also harm the economy. Equally important, the article states, “According to the organization, the economic ripple effects throughout those states and their regions would be severe” (Simpson). Autonomous vehicles have more impact on society and the economy than people …show more content…

As more self-driving cars and trucks hit the road, the more damage hackers can do. An article explains that the makers of autonomous vehicles need to be prepared for this type of issue, “These vehicles will have to anticipate and defend against a full spectrum of malicious attackers wielding both traditional cyberattacks and a new generation of attacks based on so-called adversarial machine learning” (Garfinkel). If people can hack into these fully autonomous vehicles, then they can gain full control of the system. Consequently, these hackers could crash the vehicle, drive the vehicle to a certain dangerous area, and cause many other problems. Preventing these hackers may become a problem in the near future. Difficulties involving the prevention of these hackers become aware in one article, which states, “The computer vision and collision avoidance systems under development for autonomous vehicles rely on complex machine-learning algorithms that are not well understood, even by the companies that rely on them” (Garfinkel). Without a doubt, any companies that will produce autonomous vehicles needs to analyze and work out possible problems before rushing these potentially dangerous vehicles on the road. Vehicle manufacturers have people thinking that these self-driving vehicles have been tested out and proven as safe, but one article tells a

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