
BSA 375 Week 2 Individual Essay

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Service Request Part 1

Service Request Part 1
Riordan Manufacturing is a global plastics manufacturer with facilities located in: Albany Georgia, Pontiac Michigan, Hangzhou China, with a research and development department located in San Jose California. This establishment has produced an annual earning of forty-six million dollars. Riordan Industries, which is the sole owner of Riordan Manufacturing, is a Fortune 1000 enterprise with revenues in excess of one-billion dollars. Key stakeholders in this company include CEO Dr. Michael Riordan who is the founder that has the main focus of how the company is performing and running. The Director of Human Resources, Yvonne McMillan who coordinates …show more content…

This way the IT department can understand what the higher level and lower level employees need for system stability and a better graphical interface. Another plan of action would include the method of Systems Development Life Cycle or SDLC. The phases of this method are planning, analysis, system design, implementation and operation. First we must plan on what exactly we are trying to accomplish. We know we need to upgrade the Riordan Manufacturing system. Next we must analyze the system and look for problematic errors. A project proposal can be essential to launching a system analysis (Farah, 2013). These are things to keep in mind: understand the business situation or problem, understand the significance to the problem in the organization, think of alternate solutions, the use of computer information systems for solutions, find people interested in the solving the problem (Farah, 2013). This plan is used to decrease redundancies, errors, and increase security. Finding all the weak spots in the company will help in the improvement of integrating an updated efficiently functioning system. Feasibility is important to account for when upgrading the system. Integrating a CRM will help to work with customers and understand their needs and wants to benefit the company and the relationship with their customers. Designing the system will involve knowing what kind of software is needed to store and

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