
Baby Boom Research Paper

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Baby Boomers

After the end of World War 2, birth rates across the nation spiked. More babies were born in 1946 than ever before with a grand number of 3.4 million! This was the beginning of the so-called “baby boom.” In 1947, another 3.8 million babies were born, 3.9 million were born in 1952,and more than 4 million were born every year from 1954. In 1964, the boom finally tapered off. By then, there were 76.4 million “baby boomers” in the United States (Staff). This made up close to forty percent of the nations population!
What is the reason for this sudden “baby boom?” Many believe it has to do with the aftermath of the sixteen long years of war and depression. Older Americans had postponed getting married or having children until the …show more content…

As a group, boomers have already caused dramatic changes in the way care is organized and provided. With the resources and advances in technology as well as health care, they now have the capability of shopping for services and are willing to walk away from the traditional hospital-based care they have had before. They have demanded ready access to high quality medical care when necessary, but they have also wanted it to be in a friendlier environment. Well educated, and with easy access to data, many boomers expect medical care providers to be both highly skilled and humanistic (Lumsden, 1993). As patients, boomers demand information about a range of issues, from choices in care, to wellness strategies, and to billing options. In an earlier age when you went to the hospital, the doctors and nurses were “always right,” you didn’t question things, and you took what you could because that was your only option. Today however, if you do not like the service, the food, the care, or maybe even the beds, you can decide to go to a different hospital because there are so many options. With that being said there is still fault within the system. We have all of these hospitals, but do we have enough staff on board to even begin to take care of the uprising? If there were more people born during this time of the baby boom than what we have today how do we take care of everyone that is going to need us within the next 10-15 years? This …show more content…

One of the major functions of Human Resource Management is to lower the overall expenses of the company and try to find ways that an organization may run more efficiently. The first major potential problems for the baby boomers from a Human Resources perspective is since companies are always trying to find ways to lower costs which means that a lot of the baby boomers are being laid off because their health is a liability. Companies are trying to replace these baby boomers with younger, more charismatic workers. Companies that offer healthcare to their younger employees as a benefit to get them to work for them aren't profiting by having baby boomers on staff. These organizations feel as if the medical expenses incurred are far larger than the expenses incurred by their younger counter parts. In turn companies are laying off baby boomers before they can even reach retirement. The second major reason baby boomers are being laid off is due to the advancement of technology. Organizations are looking for younger individuals who may be as charismatic as the older individuals but far more tech savvy. Employers are confronted with the loss of skilled labor when the boomer cohort adds candles to its annual cake. There is a need for adaptive retirement strategies--on the parts of both employees and employers. There is no longer one standard retirement approach, and given the

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