
Barack Obama Biography

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Former President Barack Hussein Obama II was born on August 4th, 1961. He was allegedly born in Honolulu, Hawaii to Ana Dunham and Barack Obama Sr.. He was the 44th President of the United States and started his term on January 20th, 2009. He was reelected and ended his term on January 20th, 2017, him being the predecessor to our current President, Donald J. Trump. He was the embodiment of the "American Dream", with his humble values and middle class upbringings and then making it big. He valued education and taught all of his beliefs to his children. Speaking of children, Obama went to Harvard Law School, married Michelle LaVaughn Robinson(now Obama), and had two daughters named Sasha and Malia. Obama kickstarted his candidacy by pushing the …show more content…

Author Tori Morisson has stated that former President Bill Clinton had come from African descent and about 6 other presidents had as well. Some include Thomas Jefferson, Warren Harding, and Dwight D. Eisenhower. Also, Barack Obama has been called out about how many people he's pardoned, or excused from a prison sentence. In total, he had pardoned almost 2,000 people(1.972 to e exact) which is the most out of any president in U.S. history. A large portion of the crimes pardoned were drug related, which upset people because Obama had admitted to using cocaine in the past, and some think that this has something to do with that. Moving on from the pardons, Barack has also been under speculation about his birth place. In fact, I even alluded to this earlier in my writing. He has been accused about lying and saying that he was born in Hawaii, when he was really born in Kenya. In April 2011, Obama released a birth certificate, and people are still hung up on whether it was a fake or not. Even Donald Trump had accused him of lying, but then took back his words in 2016. Now, I am going to talk about Barack an Michelle's out-of-office portraits, specifically

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