
Basement Condensation

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Tips For Drying Out Basement Condensation

If you're having problems with a wet or damp basement, the first thing you want to do is figure out the reason for the problem. That helps you determine the best way to fix the situation. For instance, your wet basement may be caused by condensation. If that's the case, you may be able to dry it out yourself. Here are some tips for dealing with a wet basement when it is caused by condensation.

Control The Climate

Condensation forms on your basement walls and floor when there is a temperature difference in the basement. If it is hot and humid outdoors and you vent your basement to the outside or open a window, then the warm air will create dampness when it enters your cool basement. Water drops form on the walls and floor creating streaks, puddles, and increased humidity that causes a musty smell. In the winter, condensation may form when heated hair from upstairs leaks into your basement. If you control the temperature and humidity levels in your basement, then you can better control the amount of condensation you have to deal with. Things you can try include running a dehumidifier, using fans to circulate air, and venting humid, hot air from a clothes dryer to the outside. …show more content…

You do this by adding insulation. Wrap insulation around all exposed plumbing pipes to keep water from forming on them and dripping to the floor. Also, consider adding insulation to the walls of your basement. Even if you just use your basement for storage and don't care about its appearance, having insulated, finished walls will make the walls warmer and less likely to collect dampness.

Avoid Adding

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