
Beauty And Appearance In Hedda Gabler And Thea Lovborg

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In the play Hedda Gabler, beauty and appearances as they relate to social class are important themes that impact the characters, specifically the women. The two main women in the play; Hedda Gabler and Thea Lovborg are both figures of beauty, physically and morally, and contrast with each other creating conflict between them. This brings up the question: how does physical appearance connect to moral appearance in women in Hedda Gabler? Physical appearance and moral character are very different and can shape the role of a character in society. Hedda is seen as more physically appealing, as said by Tesman in the play, and Thea is presented as more morally appealing. Physical appearance is more often noted by the men in the play than moral character, because the proof of having moral appearance is through how the women treat each other. The women in Hedda Gabler display different forms of beauty, such as physical and moral appearance that are connected to the other characters identification in the play.
Beauty is a combination of qualities in a human being, whether it is internal or external. Internal beauty could be represented as moral appearance, and external beauty is physical appearance. Hedda in the play displays beauty in many ways, but mainly physically. This means she is appealing to the eye and has nice characteristics making her viewed as very pretty in society. The men in the play are responsible for the identification of who is physically or morally attractive.

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