
Benefits And Drawbacks Of Using Secondary Market Research Essay

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Introduction In this business report, I will identify what the benefits and drawbacks of using secondary market research is for an organisation. I will use three major brands in the UK car market; Mini Cooper, BMW and Audi. I have used these major brands as they are the most differentiated out of all the car brands in the UK (see appendix 1). I will analyse their 4ps; which is price, place, promotion and product. I will also use PEST analysis to explain the current trends in the UK car market, and back it up with justified market research. Benefits and drawbacks for organisations in using secondary research Secondary market research is market research that’s already gathered and prepared for you. Secondary research also known as desk research is when an organisation identifies suitable sources and getting access to them; reviewing and accessing their suitability for their specific research objectives (Mcgivern 2013). There are many benefits and drawbacks of using secondary market research for an organisation. Benefits of using secondary market research for an organisation is primarily based on how the research helps aid reaching the research objectives for the business. Secondary market research is the amount of time that can be saved (Ghauri 2005). With primary market research, it is up to the organisation to go and gather the research themselves, hence why it’s referred to as field research. This tends to take a very long time, whereas with secondary market research it

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