
Benefits Of HTML Website To Wordpress

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How to Convert HTML Website to WordPress

The days of traditional marketing are over. In today's fast, modern and rapidly changing world, entrepreneurs can't expect to reach out a large number of potential audience, explore business opportunities and generate the desired revenues if they don't have a fully-fledged, professional and eye-catching website/blog. A good website can help them to perform all these actions carefully and meet their business objectives easily.

With the development of different Content Management systems, HTML websites have become outdated. There are many benefits of migrating your HTML website to the WordPress platform, such as SEO advantages, more security around the site, less recourse needed for website …show more content…

After this, you need to create new files in your code editor and save them for the time being for further editing. Don't make any silly experiment here.

header.php sidebar.php footer.php

3. Copy The Existing CSS Into New Stylesheet

If your intention is to create an amazing design, not to copy another design, then you must have some CSS. Just save those files before editing them. For instance, you may add the following to the top of your file:

Theme Name: Replace with your Theme's name.
Theme URI: Your Theme's URI
Description: A brief description.
Version: 1.0
Author: You
Author URI: Your website address.

Once you complete this, just paste your existing CSS below, save the files and close them.

4. Discrete The Current HTML

Before starting the fourth step, you must know how WordPress works. WordPress makes use of PHP for calling and retrieving data from its database. When we talk about chopping up the existing HTML, we mean that you need to cut and paste parts of your existing code into different files that were created by so. So, helps WordPress to know where to display them.

To do so, just follow the below-mentioned steps:

First of all, open up the index.html file of the existing site,

Highlight all things and copy paste it into the new header.php section,

Just select everything in your sidebar and copy paste it into the footer.php file. Save the file and close it. Now, choose the things left in your index.php

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