
Benefits Of Year-Round School

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What are some things one can do in the summer time? Summer activities include going to the beach, working a summer job and taking it easy. There shouldn’t be year-round school because breaks are for both students and teachers, one could spend more time with friends and family and one can be refreshed when school starts next year. The summer break should stay the same because the break is for both students and teachers. After a year of teaching, some teachers feel the need to have a summer break to get away from their students. Some students are stressed throughout the year that summer vacation is a time to unwind and take it easy. When on summer vacation, one can spend time with friends and family. While one summer vacation, one may choose to spend time with the people they cared about. Some families travel in the summer and explore exotic vacation spots. Some places one can vacation at are Disneyland, Universal Studios or just visiting relatives in other states. When people are on summer break, they may feel refreshed to start learning or teaching for the next school year. …show more content…

When one is refreshed, they will have more energy and feel more relaxed. Some may say that year-round is a good idea because students will learn more, but students need a break to process the information they learned. Having a year-round school is considered a bad idea because breaks are for both students and teachers, one could spend more time with friends and family and one can be refreshed when school starts next year. Even though having year-round school will help students learn more and teacher could make more money, everyone needs a

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