
Big Business Law Case Study

Satisfactory Essays

1. What do you think about the current laws in place for Copyright, Trademarks, and the state of the Public Domain?
I think the current laws in place are somewhat necessary but some of them not so much. Most of the time can just get confusing. You need permission and pay money for a small part in the movie that signs a song but it brings more depth to the movie. While other times you don't need to ask permission and it's still a song playing in the background. That's Confusing. Another part that’s confusing is the “Fair Use”, how do you know if fair or not.

2. Why do you think the "big businesses" like the current laws?
I think the business is really like how the current laws are with copyright and public domain. Because since they are a bigger business they have better resources so when they do get copyrighted or and trouble somehow they have better resources that could back them up. Also with the bigger businesses most of the time they are the ones that make the …show more content…

Another thing of the photographer could have is taking a photo of something but not knowing that's a photographer already took a photo of something that the other photographer had the token which has could count as claiming his work but not knowing rather people's work too. And another common thing that artist keeps on running into is having kind of same meaning or same sound or same song bass as another artist. I know last year Taylor Swift was getting accused of copying Beyonce's outfit and one of her music videos. The issues can be small problems and the people that are accusing whoever can just say can you please take it down or some people might ask for a lot of money for including it and even if you're not using it in your final

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