
Bimo Assessment Tesco

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Business Information and the Management of Organisations Summative Assessment Question One Tesco is a public limited company in the form of an international retailer, selling everything from fruit to personal computers to bicycles. Essentially, Tesco provides a link between the everyday consumer and the producers of aforementioned items. These items are sold in supermarkets of varying sizes. Question Two An example of a Strategic decision made by Tesco may be "Shall we expand aggressively into Asia?" This is a strategic decision because it is a long-term issue which will have high impact of stakeholders; dividends and profits will be affected during the expansion in order to cover the purchase of firms/construction of new …show more content…

This information would all already be at hand through the mandatory sales records kept and from perusing the budget store to store. There should be no information quality issues as the data would all be cold, hard facts. Question Four The retail industry is extremely competitive, and especially between the larger supermarket chains, due mainly to the fact that the majority of them sell virtually the same items at virtually the same prices in virtually the same way. In Tesco 's case, issues of competitor intelligence affect it in so far as the other chains knowing what they are selling, how they are selling it, and how much they are selling it for. The intelligence gathered can allow other chains, such as Asda and Sainsbury 's, to change their prices to match or even beat Tesco. In turn, Tesco can use the information they have gathered to do likewise. An example of this is when supermarkets will get a trolley-full of items from their store, and a trolley-full of items from a competitor and compare the prices, even displaying the two trolleys in-store with an itemised breakdown of all the items in order to show that they are matched, or even cheaper. The slogans used by retailers is another way in which Tesco can be affected, as competitors are able to see the angle Tesco are trying to put on their products, in order

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