
Biomedical Ethics Involving Cultural Research

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Biomedical Ethics Involving Cultural Research

One Benin girl stood at the shinny bared glass window looking out at the luscious green trees and bright grass. She itched and itched and itched, all the while looking out at what she could not have. The doctor came in saying, “I’m sorry but you just can’t go outside. With your Buruli Ulcer case, you could die within minutes by an infection.” There was nothing she could say, so she just nodded. His footsteps echoed as he walked out of her stainless white room, with a sullen expression on his face. She knew that he just wanted to help her but every time she heard those footsteps it crushed her heart because there was always bad news. With her arms bare of skin she sat down on the bed and lay …show more content…

One hypothesis is that since it is so easy to transmit to animals this may be why so many people have gotten BU.

Even though BU has been reported in 33 countries there are only 15 that have been documented as having a significant amount of cases. In those 15 countries there have been between 5,000-6,000 reported/documented cases of BU (Mycobacterium, Most patients, with this disease, are younger than 15 years old (Buruli Ulcer, Nigeria). In Benin over half of the BU patients are children.
There are so many poor families in Benin, and that makes it hard for them to take their children to hospitals, which is why a lot of the patients that go to the hospitals have already had the disease for 2-4 months (Small). If the patient was caught in the early stages of the disease then about 80% of those patients could be cured by a combination of antibiotics (Mycobacterium, For poor families it isn’t only that they may not have insurance but it is also the traveling that is an issue. In 1993 Colombia introduced a program called Colombia Regimen Subsidiado (SR) ( This program was introduced in the hopes that more preventative care would occur, and thus cut down on the expensive costs that occur when a patient already has a disease. This was a great

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