
Birth Of Three : A Program Set Up For Infants And Toddlers

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Birth to Three
What is birth to three? Birth to three is a program set up for infants and toddlers (ages newborn to 36 months) that have developmental delays and disabilities. This program is a community-based program that is known statewide across and across the United States. Birth to Three promotes and supports a family-centered approach to intervention of the early years in childhood. The program is big on uniformity when it comes to the interventions available across the state, which also involves education, health, and social service systems. (Human Services-Community Programs Division.(n.d.), 2014.) Birth to Three program has a certain requirement that the child needs to meet for him/her to be deemed eligible, those requirements …show more content…

Birth to Three Coordinators
When talking about Birth to Three coordinators the Malta World NGO Forum once said, "Taking care of the best interests of the child, as set out in the Convention on the Rights of the Child, must not be seen as a threat to the family, but as a challenge for society." (as cited in Hanssen, E., Zimanyi, L., & Consultative Group on Early Childhood Care and Development, H. M. (2000). Birth to Three Coordinators are the ones that find the appropriate and supportive ways of helping with the child’s growth and development from birth to 3 years of age. However, the job of being a Birth to Three coordinator is not an easy one in which there are multiple challenges they face when caring for the children as well as helping the parents through everything. Difficulties they face range anywhere from the starting point of establishing the base or the fundamentals for later learning, dealing with the lack of development for programs that are made for children under the age of 3, with lack of development most of the established programs are mainly focused on the survival of the child and not the stimulation the child needs, and lastly they deal with supporting the parents and their families since they are the ones that provide the direct support to the child. (Hanssen, E., Zimanyi, L., & Consultative Group on Early Childhood Care and Development, H. M. (2000). With all these challenges these coordinators face the starting point is first finding

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