
Bisexuality Erasure

Satisfactory Essays

Bisexuality Erasure
Saige Brey

Aug 15, 2015 – When you hear the term “bisexual”, what comes to mind? For some it’s what they identify with in the LGBTQIA+, for others it’s a confusing and broad term that somewhat covers their sexuality, and for others it just seems like a foreign and strange idea. As a bisexual, I’ve heard the question, “Well which gender do you prefer more?” several times. My answer to that is usually along the lines of ‘neither’, which leads to some confused looks or even some of disbelief.

To start, bisexuality is not a “Well, you’re either straight or gay! Pick one!”. Bisexuality is within the LGBTQIA+ and sexuality spectrum, but it is neither a preference of any of the genders. For some, yes they prefer a gender, but …show more content…

For example, pansexuality is the attraction to all genders (not just male and female), and polysexuality is the attraction to some (not all) genders. A plethora of people identify as all three of these genders, and yes they are real, and some do have preferences, others do not.

Basically, bisexuality erasure is a becoming a prevalent problem in the LGBTQIA+ community, as well as the straight community. I’ve had people tell me that bisexuals are just pretending, and then there’s the ever present rumor that bisexual people are just in it for the sex. I’m here to say that’s not true. A bisexual person can like two, many, or all genders, and it has literally nothing to do with sex or the amount of sex that person has.

However, some people within the LGBTQIA+ community feel like bisexuals are the most privileged of the sexualities, because they can “just identify as straight if they felt like it” (an actual person has said this to me before), and haven’t felt the homophobia and hostility faced towards the community. But we have. Bisexuals may not encounter as much homophobia and hostility, but we still get the constant, “Which do you prefer more, boys or girls?” and the “Well you have to like one more than the other, liking two (or more) doesn’t make

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