
Blog: Perspectives On Human Sexuality

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Blog: Perspectives on Human Sexuality Human sexuality is defined as the expression and awareness of an individual as a sexual being (“Human sexuality”). In other words, human sexuality is how a person views himself or herself in relation to sexual attitude or behavior. Perspectives on human sexuality are impacted by diverse influences. Some of the influences listed in the question include the following:
- Religion;
- Family Traditions;
- The media, such as newspapers or broadcast news;
- Society;
- Entertainment media, like movies and television; and
- Social media, similar to Twitter or Facebook, etc.
Other influences on perspectives regarding human sexuality encompass the following:
- Parental influence;
- Peers;
- Health-related issues like birth control or diseases;
- Abusive sex crimes such as rape and sexual harassment;
- Legal and ethical issues;
- Value systems;
- Stage of life;
- Race;
- Gender; and
- Sexual orientation …show more content…

When comparing men and women, there are very distinctive sexual views. For example, women often are more likely to stress that sexual intercourse and relationships go hand-in-hand. Therefore, a women is more likely to believe that one must be in love or in a relationship before having sexual intercourse, whereas a man would normally be more nonchalant (Peplau 37). Another example of how gender differences impact perspectives on human sexuality is that aggression can be powerfully associated with sexuality for men. A man may think of himself as powerful, experienced, and assertive regarding sexuality (Peplau 38). In other words, a man is inclined to be assertive toward sexual intercourse, whereas a woman would normally not be

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