
Blue In The Great Gatsby

Decent Essays

What do colors say about a person? Well according to personality innovator Don Lowry, there are four colors to represent the types of people in the world. green’s are thinkers, gold’s are planners, orange’s are impulsive, and blue’s are compassionate. In F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby, the character of Jay Gatsby is best represented by the color blue. Gatsby’s personality best fits this color because blue’s are willing to work hard for what they believe in and are very caring for others. Even as a kid, Gatsby was a hard worker. Near the end of The Great Gatsby, Henry Gatz, Gatsby’s father, comes to Gatsby’s house and finds Nick there. He shows Nick a page from a book Gatsby had as a boy, where he had outlined his schedule for self betterment. The schedule included things such as exercising, studying various subjects, working, sports, and even reminding himself to treat his parents with respect. This goes to …show more content…

Gatsby exemplifies this trait because he cared for others, even if he barely knew them. At one of his parties, Nick overhears a woman saying, “‘when I was here last I tore my gown on a chair, and he asked my name and address -- inside of a week I got a package from Croirier’s with a new evening gown in it’” (43). Gatsby barely knew this person, and yet replaced her expensive, ruined gown for her, even though it wasn’t his fault it got ripped. This shows that Gatsby is caring and wants to please everyone. Nick also recognizes Gatsby’s caring manner for people he doesn’t know when he describes that Gatsby had “waited five years and and bought a mansion where he dispensed starlight to casual moths” (78). Nick means that Gatsby had bought this super expensive mansion, which he worked very hard to get, and then used it to provide happiness to dull rich partygoers he didn’t even know. Gatsby loves to please people and cares for them which certainly brings out the blue in

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