
Bob Dylan's Influence during the Civil Rights Movements

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Music has been around since the very beginning of time. The human body flows in a rhythmic syncopation. Music is used to change one’s mood and to inspire those who open their minds. It has the potential to cure diseases such as Parkinson’s disease. Humans, of every culture and society, function with a type of rhythmic music. As humans, we are hard wired to respond to music (Mannes). The human brain responds to music in such a way that the brain becomes more open to new rhythms, ideas, and values. Music has the power to take over the human body. This makes it easier to overcome conflict and change the ideals of somebody while using music (The Power of Music).

During the Civil Rights Movement, Bob Dylan used his talent of music as his tool …show more content…

Dylan made the people really dig down inside of their souls to find an answer. Dylan asked, “How many years can some people exist before they're allowed to be free? How many times can a man turn his head pretending he just doesn't see?” The answer Dylan had been simply ‘Blowin In The Wind’. Dylan left the questions open-ended because he himself did not truly know the answers. Dylan was making the nation think for themselves rather than speaking with the normality of their family and friends.

Bob Dylan also had a heavy influence on other music artists of his time. Examiner Publishing reported that Dylan influenced John Lennon and it would show in Lennon’s lyrics. Dylan promoted the use of Marijuana. The marijuana showed through in Lennon’s lyrics. It was a domino effect. One simple idea from Dylan would push another little idea through Lennon in which finished with two very influential music groups.

The song directly influenced Sam Cooke. After hearing Dylan’s song, Cooke wrote his song ‘A Change is Gonna Come’. Cooke’s song was a tribute in a way to Dylan. Bob Dylan showed America that if you don’t stand up for what you believe in, nothing will ever get done. If society were to stay quiet and remain a silent majority, the Civil Rights Movement would not have been successful. Dylan helped to give courage to the many people who were longing to be heard.

Not only did Bob Dylan have a small, intimate influence on the people, but a

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