
Bowling Research Paper

Good Essays

Tommy Fancher
Mr. O'Brien
Novel and Drama
19 December 2014 "Ten Pin" Bowling, whether competitive or recreational, everyone has the same goal, knock down all 10 pins. Many people consider bowling to be a simple sport but actually there is a lot of strategy and skill to the game. There are many rules that come with the sport, and they have changed quite a lot over the years. Bowling has been traced all the way back to the Ancient Egyptians and the basis of the sport has always been the same throw an object down a "Lane" and knock "Pins" or objects down. The game has evolved so much since then and two major ones were the automatic pin setter and automatic score keeper. In today's modern society the equipment used is so far technologically advanced, it makes for an intense sport. Bowling is a great sport due to the fact that it caddy's to a …show more content…

A British anthropologist, Sir Flinders Petrie, discovered objects in a child's grave in Egypt that appeared to be some form of bowling materials.(Bowling Hall of Fame) The ancient Egyptians used to roll stones at objects and try to knock them over.(Hamilton) Bowling was such a popular game throughout history and it was a very enjoyable activity. King Edward III outlawed the game in order to focus on archery practice. (Bowling Hall of Fame) The English, Dutch, and German settlers all had their own variations of bowling and brought it to America. The earliest mention of the sport in American literature is by Washington Irving when Rip Van Winkle awakens to the sound of "crashing ninepins". (Bowling Hall of Fame) However bowling had some issues back in the 1800s when Connecticut law made it illegal to maintain "ninepin lanes" only due to the fact that it was a big gambling sport. (Bowling Hall of Fame) It is uncertain where today's bowling of "Ten Pin" came about but before that there were many different forms of the

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