
Brand Loyalty

Decent Essays

Brand Antecedents of true BrAnd LoyALty
Jooyoung Kim, Jon d. Morris, and Joffre swait ABSTRACT: We examine a model of six latent constructs and propose that true brand loyalty can be explained as a result of five distinct antecedents: brand credibility, affective brand conviction, cognitive brand conviction, attitude strength, and brand commitment. Data from experimental conditions with manipulations of eight product classes and two involvement levels lend support for the proposed model, demonstrating that brand loyalty can be considered as truly loyal only when mediated by a high degree of affective and cognitive brand conviction, and attitude strength. Advertising and marketing implications for the relationships among the six constructs …show more content…

Reflecting these critical aspects of brand loyalty in advertising, and marketing in general, the study of brand loyalty has been represented in the literature for more than eight decades, since Copeland’s introduction of brand insistence in 1923 ( Jacoby and Chestnut 1978). Early research was primarily focused on the operational definition of behavioral aspects (i.e., repeated purchase) of brand loyalty, but starting with Jacoby and Chestnut (1978), brand loyalty has been studied in terms of both attitudinal and behavioral aspects. Linking attitudinal and behavioral loyalty, some recent efforts have provided significant conceptual frameworks that distinguish true brand loyalty from spurious brand loyalty (e.g., commitment: Odin, Odin, and Valette-Florence 2001; brand sensitivity: Bloemer and Kasper 1995; commitment and trust: Morgan and Hunt 1994). True brand loyalty can be conceptualized
Journal of Advertising, vol. 37, no. 2 (Summer 2008), pp. 99–117. © 2008 American Academy of Advertising. All rights reserved. ISSN 0091-3367 / 2008 $9.50 + 0.00. DOI 10.2753/JOA0091-3367370208


The Journal of Advertising

as an attitude-based behavior of brand loyalty, while spurious loyalty can be defined as the inertial repeated purchases with little or no brand-loyal attitude (e.g., Odin, Odin, and Valette-Florence 2001). Our research was built on this distinction between true

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