
Business Ethics Ch. 10

Decent Essays

1. Rebuttable presumption

2. To protect them from adults who might take advantage of young people who do not fully understand their obligations.

3. 21 years of age.

4. In 1971, the voting age was lowered the voting age from 21 to 18. To avoid the confusion that would result from having two voting ages, the states started to enact new laws that enabled 18-year-olds to vote in state and local elections.

5. Minors, who become emancipated, that is, no longer under the control of their parents, are responsible for their contracts.
Abandoned minors are no longer protected from liability on their contracts, merchants are still reluctant to deal with them on a credit basis, fearing that they may still attempt to disaffirm, or …show more content…

4. Yes. A purchase contract by a minor is voidable despite the participation of an adult in the transaction.
The court held that the participation of P’s aunt and grandmother in the transaction did not change the rule that contracts by a minor regarding personal property are voidable.
The evidence showed that the sale was made between P and D and not one of the adults. D was fully aware of P’s age when the sale was negotiated and P had every right to disaffirm the sale. D had the burden to show that the car was a necessity and D did not meet that burden.
Disposition: Reversed and remanded.

5. The vehicle was sold to an adult first. The father would have to take it back to the person that purchased it.

6. In Dalton v. Bundy, 666 S.W.2d 443 (Mo.App.1984) the parents of a twelve-year old had transferred property to their daughter, and then had contracted with the installer to place siding on the house. The parents defaulted in paying for the siding. The record provided no evidence that the daughter had either requested the siding or knowingly accepted the benefit of it (and it was not even clear that the daughter resided in the house). Id. at 445. The court held that the daughter was not subject to personal liability in unjust enrichment for the payment of the work. Id. at 446.
7. For public policy reasons, minors may not at their option disaffirm a valid marriage or repudiate an

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