
Business For The Glory Of God Essay

Decent Essays

Author’s Main Themes Grudem’s, Business for the glory of God is a sleek, contemporary how to guide that offers ways Business in itself glorify God, in particular the business component’s “Ownership,” “Productivity”, “Employment”, ‘’Commercial Transactions”, “Profit”, “Money”, “Inequality of Possessions”, “Competition”, and “Borrowing and Lending”. He takes each component and demonstrates a connection with theological principles. The author stresses man was created to glorify God. If we imitate God’s attributes in business practices, we can then, in turn, glorify God. He states that these areas offer “multiple layers of opportunities give glory to God” (Grudem, 2003, p. 17). Be in agreement: Grudem began each chapter showing how the specific component i.e “Ownership,” can be misused, then he offers scripture to reinforce each concept and strategies on how each can be accomplish in a way that imitate God nature. This arrangement delivers an agreeable flow of the material. This book would be beneficial to New Christians endeavoring to relate a biblical perspective into their business profession. I found the book straightforward and easily understandable. I agree that man was created to glorify God through his actions. The author suggests we “practice honesty, faithfulness, fairness, and freedom of choice” (Grudem, 2003, p. 37). Grudem further addresses this in the two additional chapters entitled “Attitudes of Heart” and “Effects on World Poverty”. These chapters,

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