
Business Law Mistake

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In the Law of Contract the phrase “mistake” & “Misrepresentation” is applied when one or both parties of a contract act under a false or mistaken understanding.
Mistake can be defined by Pendleton , Vickery (1998), [1] as; ➢ A misunderstanding regarding a fact, causing one or more parties to hold disagreeing beliefs about the foundation of a contract.
Mistakes can be made in the form of a contracts subject matter or as a mistake of identity. There are 3 different types of mistake in Contract Law. ➢ Common Mistake (Subject) ➢ Mutual Mistake (Subject) ➢ Unilateral Mistake (Identity)
Common Mistake
Were both parities are in an agreement however they are both mistaken about an important subject to the existence of …show more content…

On the other hand if the contract is deemed voidable due to misrepresentation the contract still exists and the good title is passed from the first party to the crook who then passes the good title on the an innocent third party (as long as the innocent third party paid a reasonable price for the goods, if they did not pay a reasonable price the court will find they did not have good faith and the contract is therefore void). In a case like this the only thing the plaintiff can do is find the crook and sue him for the amount lost.

There are two ways a court will decide if the contract is made void for mistake or not. If the contract was made face to face or at a distance (eg. on the phone or by letter) ➢ At a distance
This was first applied in the case Cundy v Lindsay (1878)[10] where a crook had pretended to be a regular customer of the company and ordered a substantial amount of goods. Once in possession of the goods he sold them on to an innocent third party who bought them at a reasonable price (good faith). The company then took action against the innocent third party under the grounds of mistake. It was held in this case that the plaintiff was mistaken as to the identity of the crook and the contract was made void, on the grounds that the plaintiff thought they

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