
Business Structure Of A Corporation

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You have five basic choices when setting up business entities: sole proprietorships, partnerships, limited liability companies, S corporations and C corporations. Most small businesses benefit by choosing the LLC structure because it protects you from personal liability and your profits pass through for simple taxation treatment, instead of being double-taxed like regular C corporations.

Organizing a corporation limits your liability to your investment in the business, but LLCs don 't require seating a board of directors, holding shareholder meetings and other time-consuming and expensive administrative formalities. Another great benefit is that you can divide profits any way you want, entice employees by offering them a share of your profits and assign shares without requiring the recipients to pay market value. You can choose to tax any LLC’s profits as a corporate entity or pass-through company, which means that profits are passed through to the shareholders and taxed as regular income.

Using LLCs, S Corporations and Holding Companies
The actual business structure of these arrangements usually involves establishing a holding entity that owns assets and an operating entity that uses the assets. Of course, setting up this arrangement should be done in such a way that business assets are protected from personal creditors and personal assets can 't be targeted by the business, but this takes careful planning. The operating entity conducts business and bears any risks of

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