
Business or Comercial Law Essay

Decent Essays

Business law or commercial is a body of law that applies to the relations, rights,

and the conduct of persons and businesses that are engaged in trade, and sales. Law has a

significant role in any business. The law serves as the control of quality. It is used as a tool

that inspects whether or not the business serves its function appropriately or not, whether

it offers good quality services or not. The rules in business law can be either by agreement,

convention, or national or international legislation, governing the dealings involving persons

in the commercial matters (Washington State Grange, 2008, 1190). The law broadly falls

into two parts which are distinct: a) the first is the regulation of commercial …show more content…

In California, it’s generally an offense to represent yourself as a

lawyer if you’re not an on the go member of the State Bar, or else it is supposed to be

The Seattle Center which is a major entertainment “zone” in business district

Seattle, Washington, that attracts almost ten million tourists each annually. This

entertainment center is composed of museums, theaters, arenas, halls of exhibitions,

conference rooms, stadiums, and restaurants, and features street performers. Under the city’s

authority, the director of the center issued rules in the year 2002 to address concerns of safety

and also other matters. Amongst other issues, the street performers were required to obtain

permits and also wear badges. Later, after the public filed many complaints of frightening

behavior by street performer and balloon artist Michael Berger, Seattle Center staff cited

Berger for violation of several rules. Michael Berger filed a suit in a federal district court.

The violation was against the people in the city and other areas, alleging partly that the rules

violated his free speech rights under Amendment that is laid first to the Constitution of U.S.

The court issued a judgment in the favor of plaintiff. There was an appeal by city the Court of

Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in U.S... According to above case, the Court of Appeals in

U.S for the Ninth Circuit however ruled in reversing

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