
Buyer Behavior Report : Consumer Decision Making Process

Best Essays

Buyer Behaviour Report: The consumer decision making process as it relates to a consumer who is replacing their laptop.

ID number: 14049438

Submission Date: 9pm Sunday 15th March 2015

Module Name & Number: 4BUS1010-0206-Principles of Marketing

Module Lecturer: Caroline Wilson and David Ogle

Word Count:

Table of Contents.

1. Introduction……………………………………………………………………..1

2. The Characteristics that Affect Consumer Behaviour…………………………2

3. The Types of Consumer Buying Decisions……………………………………4

4. The Components of the Decision-Making Process……………………………6

5. Marketing Recommendations………………………………………................9

6. Conclusion……………………………………………………………….........11

7. List of References……………………………………………………………...12

1. Introduction.

Understanding consumer behaviour is essential to succeed in business. As Solomon et al. (2013) stresses, businesses exist to satisfy consumer’s needs. By identifying and understanding the factors that influences their customers, firms have the opportunity to develop a more efficient strategy, marketing message and advertising campaigns that is more in line with the needs and ways of thinking of their target consumers (Perreau, 2015).

The targeted consumer has been identified as a recent retiree who is in her early 60s. This customer has just broken her laptop which was given to her as a gift from her daughter, four years ago and is looking for a replacement. As she is not in tune with the latest technology developments

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