
Buzz Marketing As A Viral Marketing Tool

Decent Essays

Buzz marketing is a viral marketing tactic that is the interaction of consumers focused on maximizing the word-of-mouth potential of a particular campaign, product or service, exaggerating or sometimes modifying the original message. The emotion, excitement and brand facts are transmitted through conversations between consumers ' friends, family or the mass audience through word of mouth and use of social media platforms. (Rouse)
Buzz marketing is a different approach to marketing than the traditional marketing strategies with use of radio, out of home, print or television. Traditional mass marketing entails advertising to the mass market with a goal of converting a portion of those consumers to a brand. Buzz marketing is all about word of mouth, and leverages, “not simply the power of the trendsetter, but also “the power of wanting to be the trendsetter”. (Walker,2004). Marketers activate buzz marketing as an effective, perceived unbiased message to gain trust and loyalty among consumers. Tremor feels that “buzz marketing is the most effective way for a message to travel through networks of real people communicating with others.”(Walker, 2004). The early starters that are originally targeted by marketers are the key to the message traveling from their internal circle to eventually penetrating the mass market. Word of mouth is not just successful when communication occurs between friends and family members, but acquaintances as well. To crate buzz marketers target

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