
C. S. Lewis: Proving The Existence Of God

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Question 1) C.S Lewis like many of us was skeptical about several arguments made by intelligent design alone. After many years of research, he came up with arguments that demonstrate the world was not created by a divine intelligent design alone.
His first argument was the breathtaking beauty of nature and that nature was not created by matter alone. There is a greater and powerful God who created all this beauty for us humans. Through the beauty of the nature, we can communicate and feel the presence of God. Many people will argue that beauty is subjective, however I believe we cannot deny the beauty of a sunset, sunrise or the magnificence of the ocean.
C. S Lewis used morality to argue the existence of a powerful and impartial God. According to the video, C.S Lewis believe that the only valid morality is objective morality. Regardless of our cultures or backgrounds, many of us share the same ideas of what is wrong or right in life. As a society, we all are inspired to do the right things because of the existence of God. For example, when we do something wrong, deep down our soul we feel remorseful and some form of guilt. I believe that God is showing his presence and trying to tell you that you should rectify your actions. …show more content…

In the video, they used the example of an embryo turning to a human being. This process is the most beautiful and magical process I have ever seen. Personally, being able to have children is the number one testimony that there is a wonderful God, who allow miracles to

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