
C Stanley's Portfolio

Decent Essays

The three portfolios I reviewed were different in the way each person wrote their life stories and their different skills and aspirations. Reading through the three portfolios, there are many different things I liked and I disliked in each of them. J.Johnson portfolio, number 20, wrote her personal/ career portfolio based on her high level of achievements and her dream future job to become a veterinarian. C. Stanley portfolio number 30, wrote his personal/ career portfolio based on his career has a hockey player and how hockey has had the biggest impact on his life. H. Khammash portfolio number 15, based her personal portfolio on her family, her life and ambitions thus far. It goes in depth during the different years in her life and what she …show more content…

Stanley’s portfolio was quite unique as it almost solely attended to his love for the game of hockey. I liked how his stories were very interesting and enjoyable to read, which I could relate to because of my love for fitness and keeping in shape for years. Not only was he a hockey freak, he also had excellent grades in his achievement section and did very well in commerce which shows he can balance sports and school. That is a very difficult thing to do and shows a ton of time management skills as well as self control. However, if I had to dislike something about the portfolio it would be its lack of personal depth. Other then that I enjoyed his portfolio and thought it was very interesting, it clearly reflected he is an extremely hard worker to make it that far in a brutally competitive hockey career and still do well …show more content…

I would make a self-assessment for the reason that I can critically reflect on my life this far and realize all I have went through and all of my achievements. People rarely have the chance to reflect on their whole life and I believe this would be a great opportunity to reflect. As I was reading through the portfolio’s it was mentioned a few times about how reflecting on their life was enjoyable and that it made them realize things about themselves they never had before. It would also be a nice tool to use when you are feeling down or need a little motivation to see what you have achieved. It would also be nice to have in the future 10 years to see how far you have come and how much you have changed. I can’t see myself giving away a professional portfolio which is why I would not want to create one over a personal one. Furthermore, I believe I will find priceless value in making a personal portfolio that I will reflect on

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