
CIPD Assignment Supporting Change Within Organisations Essay

Decent Essays

Table of Contents

Welcome and Introduction 1
Impact of Change 2
Need for Change 3-4
Change Impacting the business 5
Main Factors 6
Compare and Contrast 7
Behavioural Responses 8
HR Support 9

Welcome and Introduction

It was once said that the only constant is change which is true. This change can be a major change or a subtle one, either way change is still constant.
The need for change can either be a voluntary or prompted by the organisation, these are also known as internal and external drivers. With internal the decision and outcome lies with the company however when it comes to external drivers these are out with the company’s control and they have no say over it.

Impact of change

The impact of change …show more content…

Either way this can have an impact at all levels in the company.
Another change can be, working policies and procedures where at present they might not reflect the company in the best light therefore it can damage the company’s reputation.
Another change could be mergers and take-overs which can sometimes leave employees feeling uncertain about their future with the company, loss of trust and experience staff leaving.

main factors

With any change there are many factors involved within the process itself however communication has to be the key factor involved in the change process. Without this you cannot expect line managers or employees to support the change. With communication you need to ensure employees feel positive. It is also good practice the company adapts its style of communication depending on their audience and where they are in the change. Where one style might suit senior management, this might not be appropriate for administrators or cleaners. Communication can have a huge impact on the end result, it can also help to ensure targets are met, everything is kept in control and no employee disregards the change. Lack of communication could lead to frustration and lack of trust with employees.

An additional factor is positively selling the change and setting the direction the company is heading in. Within this you need to research and investigate potential threats or obstacles

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